Sunday, November 13, 2011

It all comes back to culture

I thought The Guardian did a good outline of the basics behind climate change. But it really only touched on a few issues and most of them are already well known by the mass public. He isn't addressing major concerns like our food or our consumer habits. As we saw in class last week agriculture is a huge contributor to global warming. I also thought the article could talk about transportation costs. How many times does a bushel or corn or a pair of jeans travels around the world before they arrive at their final destination? What is the carbon footprint there? And how do we go about changing that process? I woke up this morning feeling incredibly environmentally pessimistic. I just thought about Americans and thought to myself "they are never going to change. No one cares enough to change." I think the biggest reason why it is so hard to stop climate change is because of culture. Politics, industry, economic- those things are all controlled by culture and we live in a world where the environment has never going to be a priority and people can never seem to think in the long term. But if we don't think about the future now and start preventing natural destruction it will be too late. 

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